Saturday, March 21, 2009

The "C" Family

I must say, this shoot was quite the challenge. With seven children, three who are pretty little, and the cold morning air, I was lucky to get one good one of everyone together. We are going to try next week for one of just the kids since the little ones were DONE and the sun was casting too many shadows by the time we got around to that part. Next time I plan to bring BRIBES.

They are all adorable though, I must say. We are missing the second youngest, she was not going to have any of it. We are going to get her the second time around :) And pics of the baby are posted below this entry. I am not even going to attempt to remember all of their names. My brain just doesn't function that well. SORRY!

Props to Mum and Dad.

I love all the different colors...


Erin said...

These are BEAUTIFUL pictures! This made my day. I am the kids' aunt and I live in Arizona. Because of the distance, I don't get to see them very often so I am really grateful to you for posting their pictures. You are a very talented photographer!

Kersten said...

Very cute! I think we need some new ones in the fall. Everyone is changing so fast, especially little Sierra.

Not quite the Bradys said...

Huh? Who is Kersten? And who is Sierra?